Dr Lisa Amey completed her medical training at Griffith’s School of Medicine in 2010 and is now the first medicine graduate to achieve an academic position at the University.
Dr Amey’s remarkable academic ability and willingness to teach led to her appointment as Associate Academic Manager for the graduate-entry medical program, the Doctor of Medicine (MD).
Dr Amey will guide medical students in years three and four through the peaks and troughs of learning.
“Students need encouragement, support and tools to get through and I really hope I can share some of my own learnings to ensure their experience is a positive one,” she adds.
“I also greatly respect Griffith’s approach to teaching medicine.
“We’re modern, collaborative, multidisciplinary and this is the reason we’ve earned such a great name in a relatively short period of time.”
Already, Dr Amey has helped implement changes to assessment tools and facilitated the expansion of the clinical reasoning curriculum at the School of Medicine. Dr Amey’s work to date has enhanced the course structure and will allow students to improve their diagnostic skills in clinical practice.