Health Check

Tagged as Lara Farrell

FREE Pre-Schoolers Overcoming Phobias (POP!) program – recruiting now

Specific phobias affect approximately 10% of children, adolescents, and adults. They are among the earliest disorders to onset, occurring in children as young as 3 years. Read More

Helping children and adolescents with OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects approximately 3% of children and adolescents. Children with OCD may experience obsessions (uncontrollable, intrusive and scary thoughts) and/or compulsions(repetitive behaviours that they feel driven to do to in order to reduce anxiety or prevent something terrible from happening). Children with OCD are usually aware that these thoughts and behaviours are not “normal” and often find them very distressing. In childhood, OCD can affect the entire family, such that family members often have to assist with completing rituals, or modify family routines to alleviate the child’s distress. Read More