1000 Voices
The Queensland Alliance for Mental Health (QAMH) and the Queensland Mental Health Commission (QMHC) have been working with Griffith University and QIMR Berghofer this year to undertake a systematic analysis of the mental health non-government community services sector in Queensland.
To further our understanding of the current environment, challenges and opportunities for the sector we are now launching a survey for both staff of NGO services and people accessing these services.
Our aim is to include 1000 voices from across Queensland in this landmark project.
Please see below survey links for more information
- NGO Staff Survey: bit.ly/1000VoicesStaff
- People accessing your services (Consumers and Carers): https://bit.ly/1000VoicesSurvey
Please help us add weight to our findings by distributing this survey to the Mental Health NGO services you commission, and the people who access these services. Responses are anonymous.
For more information, including contact details for inquiries, please visit the survey links.