World Social Work Day is an important annual event where Griffith School of Human Services and Social Work collaborates with the Australian Association of Social Workers to host an event on the theme of the year. For 2017, the theme centred on ‘promoting community and environmental sustainability’.
The School of Human Services and Social Work Green Team (staff, students and alumni) ran a Shades of Green Trivia Event at the Ship Inn, Southbank, where 80 social work practitioners and students from a number of Universities gathered to test out their knowledge of ‘green social work’ and questions of environmental interest. This was a very successful event, with an educational agenda, and great fun had by all.
Pictured above L-R: Christian Frost (HDR student; sessional tutor), Danika Anderson (BSW student), Dr Jemma Venables (Lecturer), Hilary Gallagher (Lecturer), Dr Jennifer Boddy (Senior Lecturer), Professor Donna McAuliffe (Deputy Head of School, School of Human Services and Social Work), Sylvia Ramsey (PhD student), Amanda Smith (Lecturer).
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