Professor Sheena Reilly, Pro Vice Chancellor (Health), was onsite at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH) to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Jen Williams as the new Deputy Head of the Griffith University School of Medicine at the Sunshine Coast. “We look forward to welcoming our first cohort of medical students here next year,” said Prof Reilly, “Our Medical Program is one of the top medical programs in the country and the facilities here are outstanding, it’s been designed with the students learning needs in mind.” Also in attendance were Professor David Ellwood, Head of School, Griffith University School of Medicine and Associate Professor Naomi Dwyer, CEO, Sunshine Coast University Hospital.
Speaking on the announcement of Assoc Prof Williams’ new position Assoc Prof Dwyer said, “We’re thrilled by the announcement of the Medical School and think it’s fantastic that our own Jen Williams will be the Deputy Head.” Assoc Prof Williams is an emergency physician at the hospital, bringing a wealth of educational and practical experience to her Griffith University role. She will build a community of rural students through the boutique medical program at the Sunshine Coast, ensuring the best possible student outcomes.
Earlier in the day the team attended a strategic planning session in the Sunshine Coast Health Institute (SCHI) a dedicated education, training and research facility. SCHI is a unique joint venture between the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Griffith University, the University of the Sunshine Coast and TAFE Queensland. SCHI has some of the latest cutting edge research and teaching facilities, such as high fidelity simulation suites and 3D digital technology, and our medical students will undertake some of their clinical rotations in the most modern hospital in Queensland.