Families of children aged 2-6 years are invited to participate in a study testing a new online program designed to support parents to develop healthy eating and snacking practices with their children.

What is the research project about?

Researchers from Griffith University and the University of Queensland are testing a newly-developed online program designed to support parents to develop healthy eating and snacking practices with their children and reduce difficult eating behaviours (e.g. fussy eating, mealtime difficulties). Healthy Habits Triple P is suitable for parents of young children aged 2-6 years and takes approximately 4 hours to complete. 

Who is funding the research project?

This research is funded by an internal grant of the School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University.

Benefits of the research 

We expect that completing the online program will help you to develop healthier eating and snacking practices with your child, and thereby improve their short- and longer-term health and wellbeing. Your participation will help us test an online program for parents of young children that may benefit children’s health and quality of life in the future. As a thank-you for your time and participation, we will give you a $20 retail voucher after you complete each of two online questionnaires – one at the start of the study, and a second one six weeks later.

About the study

What I will be asked to do?

If you decide to take part, we will first ask you to answer a questionnaire and then randomly assign you to a Start Now or Start Later group. If you are allocated to the Start Now group, you will be given immediate access to the online parent program and need to complete the online modules within the first two weeks. The program is interactive and includes video/audio clips, goal-setting activities and progress trackers. The program can be accessed via any device (e.g., smartphone, tablet, computer) with internet access, and you can work through the modules at your own pace.  If you are allocated to the Start Later group, you will receive access to the program once you have completed your second questionnaire.

All parents will be asked to complete two short online questionnaires (taking approximately 30 minutes each to complete), the first one at the start of the study and the second one six weeks later. The questionnaires will ask about your family background, your child’s current eating and snacking habits and preferences, and your own behaviour and confidence in relation to challenges or difficulties with your child’s eating. If you are in the ‘Start Now’ group, you might also be invited for an interview with a research team member to provide feedback on the online program which will help us improve it for families in the future.

What are the risks or side-effects or problems of participating in this research?

We do not anticipate any particular risks to you because of participation in this research. Some questions in the questionnaire and online program ask about challenges or difficulties with your child’s eating that might cause some discomfort to some parents. If you find any questions uncomfortable, you can choose not to answer those questions.

What if I wish to withdraw from the research?

Participation in this research is voluntary. If you do not wish to participate, you are not obliged to participate. Also, if you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the study at any time.

How do you ensure the confidentiality of the data collected in this research?

This research project has received approval from the Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee (GU ref no: 2021/636). You will only be asked to provide e-mail address to enable us to send you the link for online program and e-gift cards after completion of the survey. No other identifiable information is collected through this study. The e-mail address you provide in the questionnaire will be kept separate from the questionnaire data. All records will be stored on secure password protected computer servers of Griffith University. You will not be personally identifiable in any report, presentation or publication.


If you wish to participate, please answer the following screening questions

  • I am able to read and understand English
  • I have access to a device (smartphone, tablet or computer) with internet access  
  • I am able to nominate one of my children whose healthy eating or mealtime behaviours I am concerned about when answering the questionnaires. I understand that if I do not have concerns for one specific child, I have to choose my youngest child.
  • I do not have a child with disability or behavioural difficulties for which I am currently seeking professional help
  • I am currently not receiving any psychological support or counselling  

If you have answered yes to all the above questions, you are eligible to participate in this study.

Please click this link https://prodsurvey.rcs.griffith.edu.au/prodls200/index.php/381148?lang=en to access the questionnaire.

Once you have answered the questionnaire and provided your email address, we will send you a welcome email with access information to the online program based on your allocation to ‘start now’ or ‘start later’ group. We will send your e-gift card after you complete both the questionnaires.

Contact us

For any questions or if you want more information, please contact any of the investigators of the project

Dr Santosh Kumar Tadakamadla ([email protected]) or Dr Vatsna Rathore ([email protected])